Project EDWARD postponed

10.31 | 12 September 2022 |

Project EDWARD 2022, originally scheduled to have run 19-25 September, will now take place 17-21 October.

A message on the Project EDWARD website reads as follows:

“With the sad news of the passing of Her Majesty The Queen, the Project EDWARD team, in conjunction with the organisers of the various associated events, have taken the decision to postpone the planned Week of Action.

“It will now take place from 17-21 October 2022. Details of the revised activities will be posted here as soon as they are confirmed.

“Our thoughts are with the Royal Family at this time.”

Project EDWARD (Every Day Without A Road Death) is described as “the biggest platform for showcasing good practice in road safety in the UK”.

The week-long annual campaign is backed by government, the emergency services, highways agencies, road safety organisations (including Road Safety GB) and businesses.

Project EDWARD promotes ‘an evidence-led, safe system approach – the long-term objective of which is a road traffic system free from death and serious injury’.

In the 2021 week of action the campaign team covered more than 3,000 miles and reached almost 9 million twitter users, with more than 60 million messages promoting the campaign’s ‘fit to drive’ theme.

The theme for Project EDWARD 2022 is ‘Changing minds, changing behaviours’. We will publish details of the revised programme as soon as we receive them.



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