Pupils target dangerous parkers

12.00 | 17 May 2013 | | 6 comments

Parents who parked irresponsibly close to a Wirral infant school were recently ‘ticketed’ by a team of junior ‘traffic wardens’.

But instead of having to pay a fine, the tickets that were handed out by pupils from Black Horse Hill Infants in West Kirby asked drivers to park more thoughtfully in future and, in doing so, reduce the chances of a collision outside the school.

The pupils were joined in their ‘enforcement’ activity by officers from Wirrall’s road safety team and Merseyside Police.

Pupils were also asked to take the message home and pass on it to their parents, and had the chance to enter a poster competition organised by pupils from the adjoining Black Horse Hill Junior School.

Cllr Harry Smith, Wirral Council, said: “Some parents were leaving their cars parked on double yellow lines while they walked their children into school.

“Where they were parked meant that drivers were having to pull out with little or no visibility in an area where many children and parents cross the road and an area that gets very busy with buses and other vehicles at the beginning and end of the school day.

“By using these ‘parking tickets’, the pupils are urging mums and dads to set a good example and park safely when they take their children to school and pick them up again later.”

Contact Wirral’s road safety team on (0151) 606 2004 for more information.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      I don’t disagree with some of Idris Francis’views and opinions, but, “the Britain I used to know and love” and “East Germany before the Wall came down”? What on earth is that all about? This level of observation reduces “Fight Back With Facts” to “React With Jaundiced Opinions”. What a pity.

      Nigel Horsley, Leicestershire County Council
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      We have successfully used such a scheme in Birmingham since 2009. It is not done as a ‘stand-alone’ initiative, but in conjunction with the school and local community to raise awareness regarding road safety as a whole and in this way our children will become the responsible road users of tomorrow.

      Trudi, Birmingham
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      The Junior Road Safety Officers in many of our schools have handed out happy and sad faces to drivers parking outside their schools. I think, although the embarrassment which drivers feel wears off after a while, this kind of initiative certainly worked in these schools short term. It has also raised awareness amongst all the children in the school which is good for them now and in the future.

      Lucy, Scotland
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      I think it is a great pity that you appear to have become so cynical about road safety that you see bad in most initiatives. In this instance I think your comment could hardly be further from the truth.

      Nick Rawlings, editor, Road Safety GB newsfeed
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      Children are the next generation that will make the decisions for us older ones. We have to give children more credit, they are intelligent beings growing up in a hostile world, let them know that if they stand up they can make changes for the better.

      David Matthews Desborough Northants
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      I totally disapprove of using children in this way – just one more example of how the Britain I used to know and love is becoming more and more like East Germany before the Wall came down. Very worrying indeed.

      Idris Francis Fight Back With Facts Petersfield
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