RoSPA is urging people to wait until a driver has finished their journey before contacting them by phone call or text.
The family safety charity has made the plea to coincide with the NPCC’s week-long Mobile Enforcement Campaign, which is running until 29 May.
The campaign has seen roads policing officers carrying out additional patrols across the country, targeting drivers who text while driving.
It aims to make motorists aware of the risks posed by being distracted by mobile phones while driving and to educate them about the serious penalties they could face if they are caught.
RoSPA points to statistics which show that drivers using their phone, whether handheld or hands-free, are four times more likely to crash, potentially injuring or killing themselves or other people.
The charity’s website adds that drivers using their phone are much less aware of what’s happening on the road around them, fail to see road signs, fail to maintain proper lane position and steady speed and take longer to brake and longer to stop.
Nick Lloyd, RoSPA’s road safety manager, said: “Imagine you are travelling at 40mph in a residential area, the phone rings and you pick it up and have a quick look – in the two seconds it’s taken, you will have travelled for around 40 metres, completely blind.
"Hit a pedestrian at that speed and they will suffer life-changing injuries or worse – and you will live with the consequences for the rest of your life.
“If you know someone is driving, please don’t pick up the phone to them until they have finished their journey – it could lead to tragedy.”
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