Research project aims to establish future technical requirements for e-scooters

07.41 | 6 September 2023 | | | 2 comments

TRL and researchers at the University of Warwick are carrying out a project to establish what the future technical requirements for e-scooters should be to ensure that they are as safe as possible for riders and other road users.

The contract for the project – which also sets out to ensure e-scooters are inclusive for people with disabilities and are making a net positive contribution towards reducing carbon emissions – was awarded by the DfT in July.

The DfT has announced plans to create a new Low-Speed Zero Emission Vehicle (LZEV) category, that has the aim of encouraging the growth and adoption of light electric vehicles while maintaining safety standards. 

E-scooters will be the first vehicles to be included in their own sub-category.

It is hoped that the final recommendations from the project will assist the DfT in developing effective regulations for e-scooters that are ‘sufficiently flexible and proportionate to promote innovation and minimise the regulatory burden on industry’.

Dr George Beard, TRL’s head of new mobility, said: “TRL has in-depth knowledge and experience of developing national and international regulations and standards. 

“We will be working… to ensure our recommendations help to deliver a regulatory mechanism to encourage safe, sustainable and inclusive e-scooters, and which is mindful of the needs of, and practical challenges faced by, the industry.

“We believe that e-scooters can represent a genuine modal alternative for many transport users and, if implemented right, can be a valuable part of delivering the UK’s decarbonisation goals.”

The University of Warwick’s WMG academic department is supporting TRL on the project, which is expected to take 10 months to complete.

Mark Urbanowski, principal engineer at WMG, who will be leading the sustainability research in the project, said: “Typically, 70% of product emissions are embedded within supply chains. 

“By developing sustainability requirements for e-scooters, stakeholders will be motivated to improve product design and manufacturing processes, reducing waste and maximising use of sustainable recyclable materials and components.

“UK-based manufacturing of e-scooters is currently largely limited to innovation and R&D. However, to attract manufacturers and service providers to the UK, they need better clarity of future LZEV regulation to justify the significant costs and risks involved in establishing a local capability.

“Including sustainability in the proposed technical requirements ensures a level playing field with a common set of rules and will reduce environmental impact across all stages of the LZEV value chain.”

The DfT will require a Transport Bill to provide regulatory powers for new LZEVs. The timing for this bill is currently unknown.



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      I have been watching for a while, and am interested in the design of these
      Biggest problem is not the actual function of them, it’s where you can ride them, if ridden on pavements the overall opinion will always be negative, even with all the safety features on road they are vulnerable, biggest area needs to be infrastructure, great transport ruined by no where to ride

      Daz, Bristol
      Agree (0) | Disagree (0)

      No “technical requirements” will keep them off our pavements where they constantly endanger and terrorise pedestrians – especially elderly and disabled people. Ban them!

      Christina Young, liverpool
      Agree (4) | Disagree (1)

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