Retailers still putting children at risk

12.00 | 21 June 2012 | | 2 comments

Parents are still getting incorrect and potentially dangerous advice from retailers on how to fit child car seats, according to Which? magazine.

Which? sent mystery shoppers into seven branches for each of the five major child car seat retailers to scrutinise the standard of advice on offer from trained members of staff.

Worryingly, no more than two out of seven stores from each of Halfords, Mothercare, John Lewis, Mamas & Papas and Babies R Us gave the correct advice when it came to correctly installing the seat.

Mothercare came top of the five chains investigated, but still scored much lower in comparison to independent stores tested by Which? last year. Mamas & Papas and Babies R Us made a substantial improvement but are still a long way from satisfactory, and Halfords and John Lewis scores were worse than in Which?’s previous investigation. None of the five retailers improved on their scores for correctly installing a child car seat, with three doing worse than before.

Which? says that the failings continue despite all of the five retailers promising to improve the service they offer to parents.

Richard Lloyd, Which? executive director, said: “It is unacceptable that major high street retailers are still giving poor advice and failing to highlight crucial information that is key to a child’s safety, despite them promising to do better last year.

“We want retailers to improve their staff training and knowledge of child car seats so that all major high street retailers offer the correct advice every time. Parents should be able to trust the advice they get from major retailers.”

Click here to read the full Which? report.


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      Bill, we totally agree with your comment. Which is the reason Child Seat Safety Ltd have an accredited training course approved by IOSH, the leading body in health and safety courses. Ensuring a high standard of knowledge is gained not only in child seats, but vehicle technology, legislation and child development. The course is being recommended by Which? as the ideal course for retailers and anyone giving advice on child seat safety.

      Claire Waterhouse
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      Once again another ‘survey’ on child seats telling us that retailers are giving wrong advice. This has now been going on for as long as I remember, despite high profile national campaigns and training of staff in some of the stores mentioned no advances appears to have been made to address this lack of knowledge at point of sale. Is it time to evaluate what is being provided as it does not appear to be working?

      Bill, Glasgow
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