Right to Ride launches online magazine

12.00 | 3 January 2013 | | 1 comment

Right to Ride, the Northern Ireland based not-for-profit organisation which aims to promote and benefit Northern Ireland’s biker community, has launched a new quarterly e-magazine.

The magazine – called Right to Ride – will synthesize the organisation’s activities, comments and opinions and focus on EU legislation which “will have a significant impact on motorcycling throughout Europe”.

Elaine Hardy, from Right to Ride, says: “In the first issue we hope to give people a flavour of what professional motorcycle lobbying is all about and what motorcyclists do to help each other, and explain to the uninitiated why motorcycling is such an important part of the lives of millions of people.

“Readers will also find out about the generosity of bikers in this part of the world and the money that they have raised for charities.”

Click here to download the first issue of the magazine.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      Good to hear. should be a very interesting read as it emcompasses many things that are not generally made known in the mainland.

      Bob Craven Lancs
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