Road Safety GB has welcomed the new THINK! drug drive campaign, which was launched earlier today.
James Gibson (pictured), Road Safety GB spokesman, said: “Drug driving is a serious problem in the UK and we believe more needs to be done to tackle the issue, both from an enforcement and an education perspective.
“It is widely accepted that driving while over the alcohol limit is a highly dangerous thing to do, but the same importance does not seem to be applied to drug driving, even though they both carry potentially fatal consequences.
“Like alcohol, drugs impair a driver’s judgment, impact on reaction times and affect people’s ability to concentrate.
“People who take drugs and then drive are taking other people’s lives, as well as their own, into their hands, so any campaign that highlights the dangers and stresses the fact that the penalties are exactly the same as drink driving, should be welcomed.
“The new campaign is a well researched and developed piece of work that aims to raise awareness of the dangers of drug driving. We hope it will make the public more aware of this somewhat hidden issue and make drug drivers think about their actions.
“If just a few people take heed and one life is saved, it will have been worth it.”
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