An interactive roadshow that teaches youngsters how to behave when on or near the road has gone from strength to strength since it was developed in 2004.
The roadshow, featuring Arnie, a seven feet tall bright yellow armadillo, has been touring primary schools throughout the Borough for the past 8 years, performing to well over 14,000 pupils. The show is aimed at 4 to 7 year olds and deals with the subjects of safe places to play, safe places to cross the road and always holding someone’s hand when crossing the road.
Road Safety Officer Mike Edwards said “Over the past 8 years the roadshow has grown and grown, Arnie is always a massive hit with the youngsters and his antics whilst trying to learn to cross the road always cause amusement but the important messages of being safe near the road are always dealt with in a serious way.” “We receive very positive feedback from the schools we visit and the roadshow is now part of many schools yearly programme.
To find out more about the Road Safety Roadshow contact Mike on 01642 526731
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