Anyone interested in attending RoSPA’s National Road Safety Seminar on 15 March are being encouraged to book soon, as the early bird discount expires on 2 February.
RoSPA’s 2012 ‘National Road Safety Seminar: Practical Evaluation Skills’ will look at workable evaluation and how it can help identify the ‘hits from the misses’ when developing effective road safety interventions.
Delegates will hear how to use evaluation to get the best possible results on limited resources, with advice from professional evaluators including the Transport Research Laboratory, University of Surrey, and RoSPA.
Case studies and ‘how-to’ workshops will cover different aspects of evaluation, such as running focus groups and writing questionnaires, allowing delegates to either learn how to use evaluation for the first time, or benchmark an existing practice to see if they can be improved.
The early bird discount is 20% and prices start at £105+VAT.
Click here to view the full programme and to book online.
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