Road Safety GB is hosting a free webinar for its members on 14 December, featuring a research study which concludes that allowing cycling in both directions on one-way streets does not pose a safety risk.
The webinar – titled ‘Contraflows and cycling safety’ – will be delivered by Dr Caroline Tait, a public health doctor who is completing a PhD in data science at the University of Leeds. The focus of her PhD is evaluating cycling infrastructure using large-scale observational data.
The webinar takes place at 12.00 on Wednesday 14 December and is scheduled to last for 45 minutes. The presentation will last for around 20mins, with a similar time set aside for questions from attendees.
It is free to attend for employees of Road Safety GB member organisations and RSGB Academy members.
Click here to register to attend.
If you are unsure about your member status, please register at the above link and Road Safety GB will cross check its membership database before confirming your place.
The webinar is being run as a pilot which, if it proves a success, will form the basis for a series of free-to-attend webinars for Road Safety GB members in 2023.
Click here to read a full summary of Dr Tait’s report which will form the basis of the webinar.
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