Image: Transport Scotland via Flickr
New figures show that there were 9,391 casualties on Scotland’s roads in 2017 – the lowest number since records began in 1950.
Published by Transport Scotland, the statistics show year-on-year falls in the number of people killed, seriously injured and slightly injured.
Fatalities fell year-on-year by 24% to 146, while the number of people seriously injured fell by 7% to 1,580.
However, while Brake has described the figures as ‘encouraging progress’, it should be noted that in 2016 the number of road deaths in Scotland increased by 14% to 191 and the number of serious injuries by 6% to 1,693.
Therefore, compared to the 2015 figures, the number of deaths in 2017 fell by just over 1% and the number of serious injuries by less than 1%.
7,665 people were slightly injured on Scotland’s roads during 2017 – 15% fewer than in 2016.
Looking at road user type, 65 car users (drivers and passengers) were killed in 2017 – 41 fewer than in 2016.
There were also fewer motorcyclists (down by one to 29) and cyclists killed (down by three to five). However, the number of pedestrian fatalities rose by six to 38.
There was a total of 899 child casualties in 2017, a decrease of 10% from 2016. This includes two fatalities, 10 fewer than 2016, and 152 serious injuries – down from 167 in 2016.
The figures also provide an update on progress against Scotland’s road safety targets as set out in the Scottish Road Safety Framework.
The number of fatalities represents a 50% reduction on the 2004-2008 baseline; the 2020 target is a reduction of 40%. With regard to serious injuries the figure represents a reduction of 39% on the baseline; the 2020 target is a reduction of 55% by 2020.
The average of six children killed over the last three years represents a reduction of 61% against the 2020 target of 50%.
Joshua Harris, director of campaigns for the road safety charity Brake, said: “Any reduction in casualties is to be welcomed, however, tragically 33 people are still killed or seriously injured on Scottish roads every week, so our work is far from done.
“We urge the Government to build on this momentum and implement policies which will trigger the next step-change in road safety.
“We need safer speeds in towns and rural areas, graduated driver licensing to protect novice drivers and we need far greater investment in cycling and walking infrastructure.”
This news of less death and injury is marvelous, it must bring hope to everyone who reads it but this must be put into perspective.
The amount of time it takes for an accident to occur is infinitesimal compared to the total amount of driving time motorists spend behind the wheel.
Even if we restrict the speeds on our roads to 10 mph accidents will still happen.
What we need is to focus on the causes of the accidents themselves and to build those findings into an educational drive to show motorists what the major safety issues are when sitting behind the wheel.
This educational drive must tell people the truth because contrary to the beliefs of the authorities, spin and political point scoring, bandwagon riding and holier than thou name calling is seen through, and treated with contempt.
elliott oakes, Stoke-on-Trent
Congratulations to Scotland. I was expecting an increase in stats for 1917 as earlier this year I read that because of increased traffic created by the formation of the Scottish 500 round the coast route that accidents had actually increased by some 19%. So due to that fact I had expected an increase on the previous year. These are a good result. well done.
Glad to see at least one country is able to provide the statistics (good or bad) on time. Poor show to the police forces in England and Wales who have not got their act together to provide the validated 2017 road casualty statistics on time.
Pat, Wales