SCP storyline unravels on Corrie

12.00 | 12 December 2012 | | 2 comments

Fans of Coronation Street will have noticed a School Crossing Patrol (SCP) storyline evolving on the show recently – and eagle eyed viewers ‘in the know’ about these things may also have spotted the identity of the uniform provider.

The gist of the plot is that character Dennis Tanner has to find a job to pay back Rita, but when he takes on the role of SCP his problems continue to grow – despite his best efforts to remain unrecognised.

Viewers with an eye for all things road safety may have noticed that the uniform Dennis wears for the storyline has been provided by none other than Keltic Clothing, sponsors of this newsfeed. Keltic is a family business owned and run by father and son team John and David Barry.

David said: “After discussing the options with the head costume designer for the soap, they decided on using our yellow winter jacket, mountain hat and formal peaked hat and a pair of our high vision gloves. Keep watching as the story unfolds.”

PS: a big ‘thank you’ from Road Safety GB to Keltic Clothing for your generous support throughout 2012!


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      I think, deep down, we all knew that accuracy need never get in the way of a dodgy Weatherfield storyline. Some years ago, Jack Duckworth lost a deal of money on a racehorse that fell at the last fence at Pontefract! At least Dennis Tanner looked smart despite the ridiculous feud in which he has immersed himself.

      Nigel Horsley, Leicestershire County Council
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      It’s a shame that the makers of Corrie didn’t check out the Highway Code to see how a patrol should operate…..but then again it’s not real you know!

      Right Road NW
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