Stop for the lollipop, signs say

09.44 | 12 June 2009 | | 1 comment

New signs conveying the message ‘Stop for the Lollipop, it’s the law’ are being put up around Leicestershire.

Reports of drivers failing to stop were discussed at a school crossing patrols’ conference and the idea of using signs was developed as a result.

The temporary signs will be erected for a few weeks at sites where there have been reports of cars failing to stop when instructed to do.

James Gibson, senior RSO, said: “Thankfully, most drivers respect the authority of our SCPs. However a minority flout the law and fail to stop.

“The new signs are going up around schools where this has been a problem, and we hope they will get the message home.”

Contact Liz Goodman for further information. 


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      We have had a similar problem in Oxfordshire, so I can sympathise. I think the signs are a good idea to remind those drivers who might have “forgotten”.However, following robust emforcement and support from Thames Valley Police, we’ve had a year with no similar offences. Prior to that they were running at approx 1 per month. Having said that we’ll probably now get a spate of them – somebody’s law!

      Mandy Rigault, Oxfordshire RS
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