Students learn driving skills from young racing driver

12.00 | 2 December 2015 | | 3 comments

Pupils across North Lanarkshire have been learning driving skills from a young racing driver as part of a ‘New Driver Programme’ run by the council’s road safety team.

900 students from 10 secondary schools have taken the interactive classroom-based lesson which is produced by Good Egg Drivers and co-presented by Christie Doran.

Christie is a road safety ambassador for Good Egg Drivers, a national initiative which aims to reduce young driver and passenger casualties.

The New Driver Programme supports the Curriculum for Excellence and focuses on developing understanding about the process of learning to drive, the importance of good driving practices, as well as the effect of drugs and alcohol on a motorist’s ability.

The aim is to portray a positive message about being a ‘good’ young driver and deliver a reminder that passing the test alone does not make someone a safe driver.

Councillor James Coyle, North Lanarkshire Council, said: “New young drivers are at a high risk of having an accident in the first six months after they pass their test, so the New Driver Programme highlights important safety messages for this age group.

“Christie’s skills as a racing driver, combined with her commitment to road safety, provide real added interest for the pupils taking part.”

20-year-old Christie, from Falkirk, has raced in the British Ginetta Junior Championship, Triumph TR8, Scottish BMW Compact Cup and this year competed in the VAG Trophy B class for SlideSports Race Engineering.

She said: “Speed is great on the track but not on the road. In the UK around 400 people a year are killed in crashes where someone exceeds the speed limit or drives too fast for the conditions.

“I am delighted to be involved with The Good Egg as I wanted to help highlight devastating consequences when drivers my age get it wrong on the roads. However, we also want to show that there is a positive side to young drivers. Most are sensible. They are the role models.”


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      Thank you both for your positive comments.

      In answer to your question, Bob, we explore a variety of unsafe driving behaviours which may at best result in loss of licence and worst loss of life/serious injury. Speed is only one of a number of these which are covered.

      Equally importantly we cover the role of passengers and empowering them to speak up if they ever feel unsafe. We provide strategies to protect themselves and it never fails to send chills down my spine when I hear some of their terrifying ‘near miss’ stories. These are bright, beautiful young people with their whole life ahead of them and we feel passionately about helping them to minimise risks as much as possible.

      This programme is now available nationally and we would be delighted to speak with any interested road safety teams about the potential for schools in their area. We work with leading behavioural change experts who have embedded BCTs within the programme.

      For more information please feel free to contact me directly (

      Jan James CEO Good Egg Safety
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      I think this is a good idea. Just so long as those young persons attending understand that whilst speeding, ie exceeding the speed limit, whilst it isn’t a good idea many more ie over 90% of incidents are under the speed limit so one has to be vigilant at all times. Never, never speed and be aware of one’s surroundings and speed in relation to the dangers that the road presents or may present. We never know just what’s round that corner.

      Bob Craven Lancs….Space is Safer Campaigner
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      More of these please.

      Duncan MacKillop. No surprise – No accident.
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