The Honest Truth has launched a new campaign focussing on the ‘risky’ driving behaviours which make young drivers vulnerable on UK roads.
The Ten Truths campaign aims to make young drivers aware of the consequences of issues including inappropriate speed, not wearing seatbelts, distractions and mobile phone use.
The campaign uses behavioural science to resonate with young drivers, with short messages and strong images designed to reduce the cognitive load associated with driving.
Its graphics feature the use of animal heads, which have become synonymous with The Honest Truth.
The campaign materials, which include posters, leaflets, beer mats and postcards, are available to purchase online from The Honest Truth online shop
Annette Lloyd, head of The Honest Truth, said: “With the ongoing support of First Car, I am thrilled that we have been able to develop this striking new campaign which builds on the success of the concept as well as drawing on evidence from behavioural science.
“Initial response to the campaigns has been really positive so we are delighted that we can provide the campaign materials so easily to a wide range of audiences. We continue to work hard to ensure young drivers are safer on UK roads.”
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