With schools going back last week, the THINK! team is asking road safety officers to help promote the THINK! Resource Centre, a one stop source of road safety education materials.
The Resource Centre comprises 25 lesson packs covering a range of road safety topics for children and teenagers of all ages. The lesson packs are colour coded by key stage and age range, from early years to key stage 4. Each lesson pack contains a lesson plan, links to road safety teaching resources, and activities; everything required to plan and deliver effective road safety education.
The resources are not limited to classroom use – they can be used by anyone with responsibility for educating children and teenagers on road safety.
Dimple Shah, THINK! campaign manager, said: "Our main objective is to see an increase in use of the Resource Centre by trusted intermediaries such as teachers, road safety officers, authority figures and youth leaders.
"We’re asking road safety officers to use social media to inform their followers and to follow us on Twitter and tweet/retweet about the Resource Centre, using the hashtag #teachroadsafety.
"Basically, we’re keen to spread the word! We want to get people talking about the Resource Centre and use it as the first port of call when teaching children and teens about road safety."
For more information contact Dimple Shah on 020 7944 3923.
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