Twice a day testing for drink drivers?

10.12 | 27 October 2010 | | 1 comment

Twice a day breathalyser testing for people convicted of drink driving could be rolled out across London as part of a new approach to tackle alcohol related offences (London Evening Standard).

The system has been trialled in the US state of Dakota and Kit Malthouse, London’s deputy mayor for policing, says subjecting repeat offenders to testing and locking them up for 24 hours if they fail, will save money.

Mr Malthouse said: “Given that the new government wants to cut policing and prison costs, and at the same time tackle alcohol-related crime, insisting on self-financing, compulsory sobriety from offenders may be the only path to a vomit and blood-free high street on a Sunday morning. I know that police would much rather spend their time preventing offending during the day than arresting violent young men at night.

“The sanction is immediate and certain – straight into the cells, no argument, no court, no lawyers. And to cap it all, offenders were compelled to pay for their own testing rather than being fined.”

Click here to read the full London Evening Standard report.


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      I am sure that drug related crime and misbehaviour is far more prevalent than drink.
      What is the legislation going to be, that offenders attend the police station twice daily for a sample of breath? I can’t see that working. Then warrants are issued for arrest and more police time is spent taking the offender to court when he/she is only going to be released again and again and again.

      Bob Craven, Lancs
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