Two new School Streets launch in Hackney

11.04 | 17 December 2020 | | 2 comments

Hackney Council has launched two new School Streets schemes, to encourage more children to walk and cycle, and improve road safety at the school gates.

With the school-run accounting for a fifth of London’s morning traffic, the new School Streets at Benthal and St Scholastica’s primary schools are also designed to help more parents leave their cars at home, improving air quality.

They are two of 40 the Council is introducing at primary schools in the borough, as part of its plans to rebuild a greener Hackney in the wake of the pandemic.

All are being introduced on a trial basis using experimental traffic orders, ensuring residents and businesses can have their say online or in writing during implementation.

The council will monitor traffic around each area, which it will consider, alongside resident feedback, before deciding whether to make the schemes permanent.

The School Streets will operate between 8.30-9.30am, and 3-4pm during school term time.

Cllr Jon Burke, cabinet member for transport and public realm, said: “When I took over responsibility for transport in Hackney in the summer of 2019, I pledged to introduce School Streets at all Hackney primary schools wherever possible, so I’m proud we have delivered the largest number of School Streets in the UK in 2020.

“These will help children walk and cycle to school more safely, and encourage parents, who often live very close to schools, to eliminate journeys by car, improving air quality and reducing congestion.

“The School Streets we’re introducing are part of wider plans to rebuild a greener Hackney in the wake of the pandemic, ensuring that the benefits we witness during lockdown – greener, quieter streets, cleaner air and more walking and cycling – are secured for future generations.”



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      I would consider the lack of helmets and hiviz as a good sign that cyclists are feeling safer on Hackney roads.

      Rod King, Lymm
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      A really good project, more needs to be done as traffic around school gates is a nation wide problem.

      If I could point out what I would consider safety issues from the image, Cyclists No Helmets, Not a bit of high viz on the cyclists in sight! Lady on the bike looks to have a heavy bag possibly on the handle bars!

      Mike Hancox, Warwick
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