More than a third of people are unsure whether electric scooters should be legalised, according to a new survey.
The 2020 Road Safety Survey was carried by the Road Safety News editorial team, with 920 respondents answering questions on emerging themes.
When asked whether they supported the legalisation of electric scooters, views are split – with 39% responding ‘yes’.
On the other hand, 26% are against the idea – while 35% are unsure.
Some of the opposition expressed might be explained by a fear over the impact electric scooters could have on the risks faced by those travelling actively.
Nearly two-thirds (60%) of respondents felt the legalisation of electric scooters would increase the risks for people walking or cycling – while only 16% believe they would not.
Less than two in 10 (19%) of respondents would consider riding an electric scooter if they were allowed to.
Electric scooters – the current situation
Under current UK law, it is illegal to use a powered transporter – such as an electric scooter – on a public road or other prohibited space, including pavements and cycle lanes.
The UK is the last major European economy where e-scooters are banned everywhere except on private land (with the landowner’s permission).
However, the Government is considering changing the rules.
In March, it announced a consultation would be launched to look at the requirements for both electric scooters and those using them, to make sure they are safe for use on roads.
Meanwhile last week, the Transport Committee launched a separate inquiry to consider the implications of legalising electric scooters for use on roads, cycle lanes and pavements.
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