Registration is open for a webinar, organised by GEM Motoring Assist in support of the launch of Project EDWARD 2022.
The webinar, titled ‘What is safe driving and why should I care?’, takes place on Tuesday 18 October (11.00).
The theme of Project EDWARD (Every Day Without A Road Death) 2022 is ‘Changing Minds, Changing Behaviour’ and the webinar will take a look at the essential elements of safe driving and some of the issues that can put safety at risk.
The webinar will cover topics including: the challenges facing older drivers; viable alternatives to the car; the role of family members; vehicle safety technology; driver assessments; and eyesight issues.
The webinar is free to attend for senior drivers, their relatives and others – including road safety professionals – with an interest in the subject.
An experienced and responsible senior driver, Valerie Singleton has completed two GEM driver assessments in recent years.
Val will be joined in the webinar by Dr Charles Musselwhite, professor of psychology at the University of Aberystwyth, and 80-year-old Margaret Filley, who is living with macular degeneration and therefore required to undertake regular vision checks to ensure she remains safe to drive.
Margaret will be joined by Rob Heard from the Older Drivers Forum for a presentation covering driver eyesight issues and providing practical tips to for staying legal and safe.
Other contributors include June Howlett from Buckinghamshire County Council who will set out what constitutes a worthwhile driver assessment, and David Motton, freelance journalist and road test editor for GEM’s Good Motoring magazine.
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