Warwickshire Police promotes safe overtaking during Bike Week

10.52 | 9 June 2020 | | 1 comment

Warwickshire Police is using Bike Week to highlight to drivers the importance of leaving sufficient space when overtaking a cyclist.

Organised by Cycling UK, this year’s Bike Week (6-14 June) celebrates the ‘increasingly important role’ of cycling in the health of the nation.

Data from both England and Scotland have shown a doubling in the numbers of people getting on their bikes since the lockdown started, while in Wales, two-thirds of those who have cycled for leisure have done so more than usual.

In support of the initiative, Warwickshire Police is promoting Cycling UK’s ‘Too Close For Comfort’ campaign – and is asking drivers to leave ‘plenty of space’ when overtaking cyclists.

It is sharing the a virtual reality film (featured) to help drivers gain an appreciation of the dangers posed by the close passing of cyclists.

Conversely, it is encouraging cyclists to help keep themselves safe on the roads, by carrying out regular maintenance checks, wearing hi-vis and taking extra care at junctions.

Sgt Leanne Mason said: “With an increasing number of cyclists using our roads it is more important than ever for all those involved to share the road responsibly and to work together to keep all road users safe. 

“Cyclists do not have the same protection as a driver sitting in a vehicle and even relatively minor contact can seriously injure them.  

“It is really important to leave plenty of space – at least 1.5m or a car’s width when overtaking a cyclist as they may have to move out into the road to avoid hazards like drains, potholes or debris.”



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      Disappointing no reference to bike riders who might pull out to distance from joggers and pedestrians who are on the footway, perhaps hogging the kerb. Social Distancing is not just for when its convenient. I look behind, signal and and pull out to distance. Vehicle drivers do not anticipate this manoeuvre and often have no idea why I would be doing that. Surprising there has been no awareness of this.

      Peter Treadgold, London
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