A one-day webinar, taking place at the end of February, will examine best practice in young driver/passenger education – and seek to drive interventions forward.
The webinar, facilitated by the National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC), takes place on 29 February (10-11:30am).
Best practice in young driver/passenger education has changed in recent years, with research highlighting the need to move away from fear-based interventions that have long been used in schools and colleges.
The webinar will discuss this research, and ask ‘what is the future of young driver education?’. It will also showcase the NFCC’s new young driver educational toolkit.
Presenters include Dr Elizabeth Box, research director at the RAC Foundation, and Ian Edwards, director of research and education at New View Consultants.
It is hoped this webinar will form the beginning of a collaborative approach to young driver/passenger education, where practitioners can offer support to each other and share resources to enable consistent, evidence based, customisable, fit for purpose and evaluated interventions.
The NFCC said: “Best practice in young driver/passenger education has for several years been moving away from fear appeal based interventions in favour of more effective approaches.
“Now with the benefit of the recent research recommendations from Dr Elizabeth Box and in anticipation of new DfT guidance, road safety organisations and partnerships around the country are working on how to engage with young people without the use of fear appeal.
“This webinar will look at what best practice looks like now, what options are available to us when one size doesn’t fit all, the challenges that come with a change in approach, and possible solutions.”
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