YDF 2023: agenda continues to take shape

10.17 | 12 January 2023 | | | 1 comment

Dr Shaun Helman, chief scientist at TRL, will be leading one of the five key topics at the Young Driver Focus event in May.

Now in its eighth year, the event will be held at the prestigious Royal Automobile Club, Pall Mall, London on 10 May 2023. 

Jointly organised by FirstCar, Road Safety GB and the RAC Foundation, Young Driver Focus (YDF) brings together road safety professionals from across the UK, in order to share the latest data, research, insights, strategies and ideas around just one topic – young driver road safety.

The 2023 event will examine five key areas where evidence shows big reductions in young driver casualties can be made, if levels of adoption and acceptance are increased. These are:

  • Wearing a seatbelt
  • Choosing telematics insurance
  • Driving safer vehicles
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Extending the learning to drive process

After a short presentation introducing each topic, a panel discussion with industry experts and stakeholders will try to unpick some of the challenges and barriers as well as the opportunities.

Leading the ‘Extending the learning to drive process’ session is Dr Shaun Helman.

Shaun has worked in road safety since 2000. His research has focused on changes to the licensing system for novice drivers.

This includes the introduction of independent driving in 2010, the new sat nav component in 2017, and the wider evidence based on Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL).

As a result of this year’s format, which involves changing the traditional theatre style seating to cabaret style tables, delegate places will be strictly limited to 120 – and allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.

Delegate registration is now open, with a discounted rate for Road Safety GB members.



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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      Good to see GDL on the agenda … long, long overdue. Sometimes I don’t think the powers that are are in the last bit interested in the safety of young (and possibly) novice drivers.

      Fraser Andrew, STIRLING
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