Road Safety GB has unveiled plans to run a series of three one day conferences during 2020, focusing on specific road safety issues and vulnerable road users.
The 2020 conferences, which will be organised by Road Safety GB in partnership with the DfT, will cover powered two wheeler riders, rural roads and cycling.
The first conference, which will look at what can be done to reduce casualties among PTW riders, will be held at the RAC Clubhouse in Pall Mall, London on Thursday 19 March.
While dates and venues have not yet been confirmed for the other two conferences it is likely they will be staged in London in early July (rural roads) and late September or early October (cycling).
The conference content will be geared towards road safety practitioners – principally local authority road safety officers, fire & rescue and police officers.
The first conference – which will focus on PTW riders – takes place at the RAC Club, London
Alan Kennedy, executive director of Road Safety GB, said: “We are delighted to be working with the DfT to deliver these three conferences for road safety practitioners.
“The topics have been chosen to reflect priorities in the Government’s road safety action plan, without duplicating existing road safety conferences.
“For the first conference, which will focus on powered two wheeler riders, we will be inviting all the key stakeholder organisations to present at the conference – specifically to tell us what they are currently doing to help reduce collisions and casualties, and what they think road safety practitioners should be doing to achieve the same aim.
“The delegate fees will be kept as low as possible to make it affordable for practitioners to attend – the emphasis is on delivering an excellent series of conferences that will enhance the knowledge and expertise of road safety professionals, rather than making a profit.”
The conferences will be organised by the team at Stennik, which has successfully delivered the National Road Safety Conference on behalf of Road Safety GB, for the past 11 years.
The powered two wheeler conference will be launched in mid-September, at which time delegate registration will open.
- Click here to read the full news article.
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