Fiona Fylan, a leading road safety behavioural change specialist, has delivered a round of ‘train the trainer’ workshops across the UK, on behalf of TTC Group.
TTC Group works in partnership with the police and local authorities to deliver National Driver Offender Retraining Scheme (NDORS) training courses as an alternative to drivers attending court.
Each year, TTC delivers 500,000 NDORS courses to riders and drivers across England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Fiona Fylan specialises in helping road safety professionals and others understand the decisions that people make that affect their wellbeing and how to help them make more appropriate or less risky decisions.
She is the academic lead on the NDORS course development unit and has led evaluations of local and national driver schemes.
Dr Fylan has facilitated 10 interactive workshops to help TTC’s nationwide team of trainers deliver the recently revised NDORS courses – including Speed Awareness, What’s Driving Us, Safe & Considerate Driving (SCD), Motorway Awareness and RIDE for motorcyclists.
Jon Robertson, head of service delivery at TTC Group, said: “NDORS has recently released a whole new suite of courses that are focused more on coaching rather than being simply instructional.
“These require our trainers to focus a lot more on behavioural change and helping people who attend the courses understand how their emotions can play a part in their driving and what to do to minimise risky decision making.
“Over 200 of our experts have completed this workshop throughout February and March, with the overall aim of improving the learning experience for our clients so that UK roads become safer places to drive.”
Fiona Fylan said: “TTC trainers were keen to learn about the psychological theories underpinning NDORS courses and I was impressed by the level of insight they had about the theories and their applications.”
Quote: ‘Fiona Fylan said: “TTC trainers were keen to learn about the psychological theories underpinning NDORS courses and I was impressed by the level of insight they had about the theories and their applications.” ‘
Re: ‘psychological theories’ etc. I hope that Dr. Fylan recognises that before you change behaviour it is necessary to change attitudes because it is primarily attitudes which determine behaviour. Particularly in respect of driving peoples’ sense of accountability and vulnerability can also be key factors in changing attitude. It is really not that complex so, it would be interesting to see whether her material incorporates these important elements.
Chris your comments are backed up by the more robust studies in the USA of similar programmes.
It would be good to see some robust long term studies of the effectiveness of these programmes.
Both Fiona Fylan and NDORS have been involved in these programmes long enough to now be able to provide some definitive robust evidence of the effectiveness of the programmes.
To provide evidence and statistic based on self completed forms from the attendees after some 20 years is not really adequate.
Whilst of course it is possible to assist someone in changing behaviours I have yet to see any evidence it is possible to change behaviours of an unwilling group whose predominent motivation for attending is to avoid points on their licence.
As an individual they achieve their personal goal very easily, with the evaluation of NSAC demonstrating a lack of long term change I wonder why we continue in this direction?
Chris Harrison, Bristol