The Road Safety Knowledge Centre has undergone a major overhaul to mark its 10th anniversary – a move which will significantly enhance the experience for those visiting via a mobile device.
The Knowledge Centre was originally developed and launched in 2010 by Road Safety GB, with funding from the Department for Transport. Today it is owned and managed by Road Safety GB, and has 2,061 subscribers.
The Knowledge Centre is a web-based library of road safety related information and expertise, primarily from UK-based road safety organisations. Access to the Knowledge Centre is available free of charge to anyone.
The new Knowledge Centre has been designed to bring it up to date with technological advances over the past decade.
Back in 2014, just 8% of visits to the Knowledge Centre were made on mobile devices/tablets – a figure which rose to 43% in 2019.
To facilitate this, the new-look Knowledge Centre is based on a responsive template which recognises the device the visitor is using, and presents the information in a format best suited to the device – be it smart phone, tablet, laptop or desk top computer.
Listings within the new version are categorised under five new core themes: roads; road users; road user behaviour; vehicles; and other issues (including active travel, public health and SCPs).
The Knowledge Centre also hosts an active help forum which road safety professionals can use to ask for help and advice advice from colleagues and others with a professional interest in road safety.
Users can also sign up to receive a free weekly email alert advising them what has been added over the past seven days.
For more information about the Knowledge Centre contact project manager Nick Rawlings by email.
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