Emergency services in Gwent are offering seatbelt offenders the opportunity to attend an educational session, as opposed to receiving an on-the-spot fine.
The sessions are organised by Gwent Police and South Wales Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) through Operation Options.
Delivered by South Wales FRS, the safety presentation lasts approximately 15 minutes and highlight the dangers of not wearing a seatbelt. The aim is to change the behaviours and attitudes of offenders.
Nev Thomas, South Wales FRS, said: “The number of fatalities and serious life-changing injuries on Welsh roads is tragic.
“We use Options events as a way to educate and inform our communities and prevent accidents and injuries and ultimately reduce the number of incidents on our roads.
“Our safety presentation aims to highlight the importance of wearing a seat belt, even on short, familiar journeys, and how it can be the difference between life and death.”
Drivers and passengers caught failing to wear a seatbelt face an on-the-spot fine of £100, and, if prosecuted, can face a maximum fine of £500.
Sgt Simon Austin, Gwent Police’s GoSafe co-ordinator, said: “We are committed to tackling the risks to our communities which non-wearing of seatbelts poses to all road users.
“We will be focusing on the Torfaen area during Global Road Safety Week, and would encourage and urge everyone to wear their seatbelts when travelling in a motor vehicle, and ensure it is the first thing you do after getting in.”
Good initiative. But still we have no “stick” of penalty points for not wearing belt. Only Northern Ireland has this penalty begging the question why the rest of the UK is less concerned with fundamental safety principles.
Peter Whitfield, Liverpool