With data showing there are more tyre-related incidents during the summer months than at any other time of the year, TyreSafe is urging drivers to ‘ACT’ now to minimise the risk of a ‘blowout’.
TyreSafe’s summer campaign seeks to raise awareness of a number of simple checks drivers can make before setting off on journeys.
These can be remembered using the ACT acronym – air pressure, condition and tread.
Starting with ‘A’, TyreSafe recommends tyre pressures should be set according to the weight the vehicle is carrying.
Inside the driver’s door shut, filler cap or handbook, TyreSafe says there will be at least two settings recommended for each wheel and tyre size available for that vehicle. For family holiday travel, it’s typically the higher pressure that is needed.
When it comes to condition, it is important to look for cracks and bulges – while tyres should always have more than 1.6mm of tread to stay legal.
The ACT acronym is highlighted by a social media video poster – which can be accessed and embedded via YouTube.
Stuart Jackson, TyreSafe chair, said: “Britain’s roads are never busier than during the summer months, which leads to congestion, hold-ups and traffic jams, which we can’t do anything about. But we can minimise the chances of having an unwanted stop due to tyre defects by carrying out checks before we set off. They only take a few minutes.
“Remember to ACT – air pressure, condition and tread. Don’t let your tyres ruin your summer holiday.”
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