Registration still open for RSGB e-scooter webinar

09.10 | 15 February 2023 |

Registration remains open for the first in a series of free-to-attend webinars for Road Safety GB members – which will present the key findings of the national evaluation of rental e-scooter trials.

The webinar, which takes place on Thursday 23 February (12pm), is being presented by Adriana Moreno Pelayo from the professional services company Arup, on behalf of the DfT.

Adriana was the Arup project manager for the national evaluation of e-scooter trials, working with the DfT team.

The evaluation, which was published in December 2022, looks at how and why rental e-scooters are used, and by whom, as well as safety, mode shift, environmental and wider social impacts.

The webinar on 23 February will focus on the key findings and learnings from the evaluation. The presentation will last 20/25 minutes, with a similar amount of time for questions.

Registration is now open – and is free for employees of Road Safety GB member organisations and RSGB Academy members only.

Click here to register to attend.

If you are unsure about your membership status, please register at the above link and Road Safety GB will cross check its membership database before confirming your place.

A further five webinars will take place during 2023 – the subjects, dates and times of which will be influenced by feedback provided during a recent survey to members.



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