Live coverage from the third day of Global Road Safety Week and the Project EDWARD 2023 week of action.
- Project EDWARD week of action (15-19 May)
- UN Global Road Safety Week
- Road Safety News to provide daily coverage
- Click here to visit the Project EDWARD website
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We all have a responsibility!
When we talk about safer roads and safer speeds and safer vehicles… we also need safer drivers. Such behaviour is unacceptable and often leads to serious injuries or fatalities. We ALL have a responsibility to ensure safer mobility for all. #ProjectEDWARD https://t.co/pL3TMNlkYX
— ProjectEDWARD (@ProjectEdward) May 16, 2023
SERP launches Vision Zero pledge
Road users in Essex are being urged to pledge their support in helping to eliminate deaths and serious injuries on the county’s roads.
The Safer Essex Roads Partnership (SERP) is calling for individuals, schools, businesses and organisations across the county to sign the Vision Zero pledge – promising to take responsibility for their safety and the safety of others, whenever and however they use the roads.
The online pledge was launched today (17 May) to coincide with UN Global Road Safety Week, which is running from 15-21 May.
Click here to read the full story

Wales ready for 20mph
Children will be safer on streets where they live and play, and parents and carers will have more peace of mind, when 20mph comes into force on most 30mph roads in Wales, exactly four months from today #roadsafetyweek #RethinkMobility #StreetsforLife #readyfor20mph pic.twitter.com/WSsX6purjP
— Welsh Government Transport (@WGTransport) May 17, 2023
Decade of action for road safety
A reminder that this is the target we are all working towards, but we will only achieve it if we #RethinkMobility and put #RoadSafety for all at the core of our efforts. #StreetsforLife https://t.co/oPO6XWn1zz pic.twitter.com/73UtVawXfe
— UN Road Safety (@UNRSC) May 17, 2023
Words from Westcotec
Chris Spinks MD of @Westcotec_Ltd explains why supporting #ProjectEDWARD will make it possible to enjoy every day without a road death. https://t.co/1Bjw718N4s
— ProjectEDWARD (@ProjectEdward) May 17, 2023
Join the GRSW discussion on Twitter
Our friends from the @RoadSafetyNGOs are leading a Twitterstorm TODAY for #UNGRSW 🚦
Join the discussion on why walking, cycling, and public transport should be made safe and sustainable.
See you later at 2 pm CET. Join by using the hashtags #RethinkMobility and #StreetsforLife pic.twitter.com/rHQYVjF7wQ
— UN Road Safety Week (@UNGRSW) May 17, 2023
Road Safety GB support for Global Road Safety Week
A few words from Road Safety GB’s chief executive, James Gibson.
He said: “Global Road Safety Week highlights the shocking impact of traffic collisions across the world.
“The UK is recognised around the globe as having particular expertise with regard to road safety. We have one of the world’s best road safety records but there is still more to do here in the UK and of course more we can share with others as we work towards safe mobility for everyone.”
Be blue light aware
New drivers on the motorway and 999 vehicles.
Go left if you can. Remember the 999 vehicles may use the hard shoulder. If no hard shoulder be ready to make an emergency corridor. #BlueLightAware #ProjectEDWARD pic.twitter.com/Sl9jU4g6Ca
— Blue Light Aware #BlueLightAware (@bluelightaware) May 17, 2023
Driving while distracted can have devastating consequences
#OpBoules | Driving while distracted can have devastating consequences. Even hands-free options can cause you to lose your focus. Stay safe and give the roads your full attention.#RoadPeaceChallenge | #ProjectEDWARD | #UNGRSW | #Fatal4 pic.twitter.com/NBKNoQjHW1
— GMP Traffic (@gmptraffic) May 17, 2023
Where are the road trips heading today?
Well isn’t that a good question!
Car one arrives in London – where the Metropolitan Police will be promoting two educational awareness events focused on active travel.
Car two is in Birmingham, at National Highways call centre in Quinton. Here they will learn about how eCall and “Operation CLEAR” are contributing to road safety.
And car three is at Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service’s training centre, for a public facing event!
The live feed from day three of Project EDWARD and Global Road Safety Week is up and running.
The theme for Project EDWARD today is safe speeds!
As always, you can see the best of the action right here!
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