Employers encouraged to provide ‘fit-for-purpose’ motorcycle parking facilities

11.22 | 19 June 2023 |

To mark this year’s Ride To Work Day, the Motorcycle Action Group has launched a new employers guide to motorcycle parking.

A survey published to coincide with the event, which takes place today (19 June), shows that of workplaces that provide on-site parking, only 54% provide motorcycle bays.

The survey also shows that there is a minority of businesses that are perceived by their employees to be actively discouraging motorcycling.  

MAG says in a climate of increasing environmental awareness, this seems ‘entirely illogical’.

MAG is responding proactively by using the Ride To Work Day campaign to launch an employers guide to motorcycle parking.

The guide features easy to understand tips and advice and a supporting video.

Colin Brown, MAG’s director of campaigns and political engagement, said: “Any motorcyclists looking at the resources will probably think the tips are a bit obvious. They are. 

“But what we have to remember is that most employers and their estates managers will not be motorcyclists. So explaining what to riders seems blindingly obvious is a worthwhile exercise.  

“Ride To Work Day is all about promoting motorcycling as a commuter choice to non-motorcyclists.

“Clearly if we want more people to Ride To Work, we need to persuade employers to provide fit-for-purpose motorcycle parking facilities. And we must not forget the need for helmet and PPE storage.”



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