The winner of a poster competition – designed to promote wearing seat belts on school transport – will see her design used to brand new publicity materials in Scotland.
The Transport Scotland competition aimed to raise awareness of the new Seat Belts on School Transport (Scotland) Act which requires, for the first time, all dedicated school transport to be fitted with seat belts.
The competition invited primary school children to create a logo and slogan to spearhead a campaign to help pupils of all ages understand the safety benefits of seat belts, instil positive lifelong habits around their use and promote good practice at school and council level.
The competition was won by Claire Ingram, of Houston Primary School, Johnstone. Jack Parker from Law Primary School in North Berwick, came second, while Dion Benson from Dalmilling Primary School in Ayr, was third.
The three finalists were presented with framed versions of their artwork at a lunchtime reception at the Scottish Parliament on 25 April where they met minister for transport Humza Yousaf and Gillian Martin MSP.
Mr Yousaf said: “The three finalists were picked from more than 250 entries and so I would like to pass on my congratulations to them and everyone who submitted their ideas.
“It was important to run this competition because the Scottish Government is committed to achieving safer road travel which is why we’re urging pupils to wear a seat belt where one is provided on school transport.
“When the Seat Belts Act for dedicated school transport in Scotland comes into force, it will make sure one seat belt is provided per pupil as they travel to and from school.
“While the Act won’t affect the law on the wearing of seat belts, which remains a reserved matter, the Scottish Government has always been clear that the Act represents an opportunity to promote successful approaches into seat belt wearing and wider awareness of this issue.”
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