Autonet Insurance Group has created an ‘Infograph’ which displays a visual breakdown of the facts surrounding killed or seriously injured road crashes in the UK.
The Infograph is based on DfT figures showing that 2,538 people died as a result of road crashes in 2008, of which 76% were male. It compares the likelihood of dying in a road crash with other modes of transport, but also looks at the causes and the cost of fatal crashes, and who is most at risk. The most dangerous roads in the UK are also revealed.
Glynn Keeling, managing director of Autonet, said: “As the weather improves driving can become a real pleasure for motorists once again.
“With driving conditions more amiable than those in recent months it can be easy to become complacent about potential dangers on the road.
“We are therefore urging all motorists – male and female – to be aware of the dangers out there and most importantly asking them not to put their lives and other lives at risk.”
Click here to view the Infograph or for more information contact Daniel Picken on 0844 4430 188.
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