The number of people killed and injured on Scotland’s roads fell by 10% in 2013 to the lowest level since records began.
Provisional statistics released yesterday (25 June) by Transport Scotland show that casualties fell from 12,722 in 2012 to 11,493 in 2013, with fatalities falling by 3% (from 178 to 172) and serious injuries falling by 16% to 1,667.
Casualty numbers for all modes of transport fell, including a 12% reduction in pedestrian casualties, an 11% fall for motorcycle casualties and a 3% fall in pedal cycle casualties. There were increases in fatalities among car users, motorcyclists and cyclists, but pedestrian fatalities fell after an increase in 2012.
These statistics also show progress against Scotland’s road safety targets as set out in the Scottish Road Safety Framework.
Compared to the 2004-2008 baseline, in 2013 there was a 41% reduction in fatalities (2020 target: 40% reduction) and a 36% reduction in serious injuries (2020 target: 55% reduction).
Click here to access the full statistical report.
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