1000th ‘plinther’ keeps her Shiny Side Up

12.15 | 14 September 2009 | | 1 comment

The 1000th person to do a stint on the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square used her time to promote the Shiny Side Up biker safety campaign.

The ‘fourth plinth’ is sculptor Anthony Gormley’s latest project, in which he is randomly selecting a different person for one hour, every hour for 100 days to occupy the empty fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square.

Joey Brook, a personal injury lawyer and ardent sports bike enthusiast, had no doubts about her message. As a biker she is very familiar with signs placed on popular riding routes by the Shiny Side Up partnership to highlight crash hotspots.

The Shiny Side Up partnership comprises Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire and  Derbyshire county councils. Nottingham, Leicester and Derby city councils, Nottingham police and the Highways Agency.

The campaign began in 2002 and two messages – ‘To Die For’ and ‘Think Bike’ – have been used extensively in the east Midlands and other participating counties. The Highways Agency has recently extended their use onto the trunk road network throughout England.

The campaign organisers say that monitoring of routes shows a decline in KSIs where the signs are used, and that annual biker surveys at BSB and WSB events at Donington Park  show a  ‘huge increase’ among riders of the purpose of the signs.

The ‘plinthers’ are streamed live online at: www.oneandother.co.uk
For more information contact contact Sheila Ormerod, campaign facilitator, on 01623 631 641 or go to: www.shinysideup.co.uk


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      Have nothing against this campaign. Needs building on. However its possible particurarly in the north west and perhaps north in particular that the wet weather may have had something to do with the reduced ratings on road kill.

      I know from my own experience that in last two years my annual mileage has reduced by up to 40%.

      So muliply that by the factor of X and one will perhaps see if the number of miles riden by all has decreased by a factor of 40% has the number of deaths and seriously injured shown the same decrease. I think not.

      Blame bad weather and even worse wet roads and poor maintenance.

      Bob Craven, Blackpool
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