‘A few millilitres of alcohol worsens driving performance’: Daily Mail

11.18 | 20 July 2010 |

A report published in the Daily Mail earlier this week concludes that even a small amount of alcohol can worsen driving performance, and that people’s reaction to alcohol varies considerably.

The Daily Mail commissioned TRL to carry out a study into the effects of alcohol on driving performance, in the light of The North Report recommendation that the drink drive limit should be cut to 50mg per 100mls of blood, in line with most other European countries.

The Daily Mail article said: “The results (of the study) were sobering. They showed across the board that just a few millilitres of alcohol worsened participants’ driving performance by as much as 33%.”

The study – which involved four volunteers of different ages, heights, weights and drinking habits who were administered controlled measures of vodka – also proved how alcohol affects people in different ways. “Our tests displayed the huge and unpredictable differences in people’s reactions to alcohol,” the Daily Mail concluded.

Click here to read the full Daily Mail article.


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