Academy website launches

12.00 | 14 June 2013 | | 4 comments

The Road Safety GB Academy website has been officially launched and applications to join The Academy are invited from road safety practitioners.

The Road Safety GB Academy (The Academy) is the professional development arm of Road Safety GB. It was formed in April 2013 as a result of the merger between Road Safety GB and IRSO (Institute of Road Safety Officers). 

Complimentary membership of The Academy is offered to road safety practitioners employed by local authority members of Road Safety GB – up to a maximum of 10 places per authority. 

Applications are also welcomed from practitioners working in the private and voluntary sector, subject to meeting the membership criteria. The annual cost of membership for these practitioners is £35. 

Darren Divall, head of The Academy, said: "The Academy aspires to provide all practitioners engaged in road safety with support and guidance to develop and enhance the right tools and skills to deliver effective, evidence-led road safety interventions.

"We will achieve this by developing and delivering academic and vocational training; opportunities for professional mentoring; an online help forum; and providing a practitioner training log to enable our members to demonstrate their qualifications and experience to existing and future employers, and others within the profession."

For more details or to apply for membership, visit The Academy website or contact Emma Norton, head of membership.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      As a private company involved in road safety, it is very much in our interest to support and recognise the enormous contribution Road Safety Officers make to all road users. It is very much in the public’s interest for those involved in this area to have the facility to enhance their professional development and qualifications. I wish the academy every success.

      Charles Dunn
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      As a former Chairman and staunch supporter of the Institute of Road Safety Officers I was of course saddened by its demise. However,it was IRSO’s role in professional development, training and qualifications that was the bedrock on which it was founded and I am delighted the Academy will now take on this role and indeed enhance it. I look forward to witnessing the development of the Academy and wish it every success and pledge my support.

      David Williams MBE , CEO GEM Motoring Assist
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      Great to see this up and running – well done all involved.

      Jeremy Phillips
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      Congratulations! Once again, we have as an organisation created a much needed facility for the profession. The Academy is very young but it is already showing signs of great things. This is a very important phase for the profession, and one which I am sure will serve is well for many years to come. Well done and congratulations to all concerned.

      Alan Kennedy
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