Active travel ‘a choice we need to make sure everyone has’

09.23 | 7 February 2023 | |

Local authorities in England are being invited to apply for a share of £200m in funding for active travel projects.

The funding is being provided by Active Travel England, who says it wants to “ensure everyone has more attractive options for their daily trips”.

Examples of schemes which could be funded include:

  • creating more paths in rural areas
  • developing safer routes for children to walk to school
  • improved safety at junctions for people walking and cycling

The funding can also be used to support people in wheelchairs and mobility scooters by making street designs more inclusive.

Chris Boardman, active travel commissioner, said: “Active travel is convenient, cheap, low carbon and health-giving. It’s a choice we need to make sure everyone has. 

“Sometimes it only takes relatively small changes, such as crossings on school routes or convenient places to park a bike, to give us the option to walk, wheel or ride.

“Our job is to help local authorities across the country ensure that everyone has more attractive options for their daily trips and we are excited to help them deliver those options.”

Active Travel England says projects will be designed in consultation with residents and businesses to ensure schemes are safe and work for local communities. 

It adds that guidance has been created to help local authorities develop schemes that are ‘well-designed and completed to a high standard’.

Mark Harper, transport secretary, said: “This £200 million investment for hundreds of upgraded routes and paths across the country will help to reduce emissions, boost local economies and create jobs.

“These new schemes will make it safer for children to walk to school and will better connect rural communities, helping more people choose active travel as an affordable and healthy way to get around.”

Successful projects will be announced later this year.

Road Safety News is currently seeking more information on how local authorities can apply.



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