The Scottish Government has launched a new £10m infrastructure programme for ‘pop-up’ walking and cycling routes and temporary improvements to existing routes.
The funding, designed to enable physical distancing, will be supported by guidance to help local authorities carry out improvements such as widened pavements and cycle lanes.
Transport Scotland says many cities across the world have reallocated road space in response to an increase in active travel as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
The government agency hopes the new funding will enable Scotland’s towns and cities to do the same.
Michael Matheson, cabinet secretary for transport, said: “For our air quality, climate, health and particularly for our mental wellbeing at this time, walking and cycling remain our most beneficial form of transport.
“We should all be encouraged by the increases we are seeing in cycling and this government will do what it can to continue to support this through our recovery and beyond.
“I’m pleased we are able to put forward a package of support for our local authorities to implement temporary active travel measures, helping to ensure that people can walk, cycle and wheel during this public health emergency whilst physically distancing and keeping safe from traffic.”
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