Average speed cameras ‘improve driver behaviour’ on Lancashire’s roads

11.02 | 23 March 2022 | | | 1 comment

The Lancashire Road Safety Partnership has hailed the impact of eight average speed cameras, which analysis shows have reduced the number of speeding offences, as well as both collisions and casualties.

The cameras were installed between March 2017 and August 2018.

Analysis of their impact shows in the first two years after installation, all eight cameras reduced the number of speeding vehicles.

The largest reduction was seen on Grane Road,  where detections of excess speed fell by more than 70%. 

Supt Damian Darcy, from Lancashire Police’s Tactical Operations, said: “Slower speeds mean safer roads for all road users, residents and communities. We thank those drivers who obey the limits. 

“We are pleased to see that the number of both collisions and offences detected on these roads has reduced so significantly. 

“Those who continue to choose to speed on Lancashire’s roads will not be tolerated and offenders will continue to be dealt with appropriately.”

The Lancashire Road Safety Partnership says average speed cameras are a ‘visible and effective’ deterrent to speeding drivers. 

Due to the success of the installations, projects are in place to install five further average speed camera routes in the county.



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    Great. Just think what results random, covert enforcement would achieve. Drivers changing behaviour across the whole road network.

    Rod King, Lymm
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