A new campaign has been launched to help motorists avoid the pitfalls of morning after drink driving during the upcoming Euro 2024 tournament.
The Morning After Euro 2024 campaign urges motorists to familiarise themselves with how long it takes for alcohol to pass through the body (one hour for each unit of alcohol, plus an additional hour for the first drink), particularly if they plan to take to the road the following morning.
The campaign has been launched ahead of the tournament – during which levels of alcohol consumption will increase, especially when England and Scotland take to the pitch.
It uses the hashtag #AvoidThePenalty.
Data shows that during 2021, there were 740 reported drink-drive collisions between the hours of 5am and 1pm, defined as the ‘morning after’ period. This represents 16% of all drink drive collisions that year.
Meanwhile in 2019 (the latest data available), police forces administered 27,515 breath tests after a collision during the same time period – 35% of all tests carried out.
A series of social media graphics have been produced for the campaign, which local authorities and organisations can purchase and brand. These are football themed, one of which centres on the hot topic that is VAR (video assistant referee).
The graphics signpost back the Morning After website, which contains a free-to-use calculator advising how long it takes for alcohol to pass through the body.
Edward Seaman, head of content at Stennik, said: “The vast majority of motorists know that alcohol impacts their ability to drive and show nothing but respect to the drink drive limit.
“However, what is less known, is how long it takes for alcohol to pass through the body. As a result, many drivers unwittingly drive over the limit the morning after a few beers or glasses of wine.
“Sadly, data shows this can have serious consequences.
“We hope this campaign – which comes during a big summer of football for England and Scotland – can raise awareness of this issue and help keep motorists safe.”
The campaign is being supported by personal breathalyser firm, Alcosense.
Hunter Abbott, managing director of Alcosense, said: “If either England or Scotland reach the Euro 2024 semi-finals, pubs will be able to stay open until 1am. That makes it very easy to still have alcohol in your system when you drive to work the next day or drop the kids off at school.
“AlcoSense welcomes this initiative to #AvoidThePenalty”.
Founded by Stennik in 2006, the Morning After campaign is widely recognised as the ‘go to’ source of information about morning after drink driving.
In 2023, the Morning After website received more than half a million views.
Along with the suite of five branded graphics, the package of resources includes suggested social media captions and a template press release.
For more information, please contact Edward Seaman via email.
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