Be bright be seen – free resources for Road Safety GB members

15.41 | 25 August 2009 | | 9 comments

Road Safety GB is developing resources to help members promote the ‘Be bright, be seen’ message when the clocks go back in late October (Sunday 25 October).

The resources are being financed by Road Safety GB and developed in partnership with the THINK! team. Artwork and photography will be made available free of charge for Road Safety GB members to use in their area.

The creative concept, which is still under development, features two lines of primary schoolchildren disappearing into the distance. In one line the children will be wearing hi-vis clothing, and in the other they won’t – to highlight the difference this makes. The photo will be taken at dusk (see pic).

Free downloadable resources – available from the members area of this website – will comprise a press release, press photograph, and artwork for a poster and bus back.

Members will also have the opportunity to purchase a quantity of printed posters, either with or without their branding and contact details.

Alan Kennedy, Road Safety GB chair, says: “We’re delighted to be working in partnership with the THINK! team to produce these resources for our members.

“Be bright be seen is a crucial message for children and parents as we move into autumn – we hope that the campaign resources we’re making available free of charge to our members will help reinforce the message.

“It’s the first time for many years that Road Safety GB has worked on a national campaign in this way and is an excellent example of how our organisation can provide tangible support and benefits to members.”

More details about the campaign will be published in the next few weeks, and resources will be available in early October.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      Excellent idea! Looking forward to the finished product.

      Daryl – Suffolk
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      Will there be anything similar to the stickers? I appreciate they are being produced by a different team but they were such a well used resource that it leaves a big gap in the market. I’m not sure that posters will have the same effect.

      Anna, Preston
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      In response to Anna’s question, these resources are being produced by Road Safety GB, not the DfT/THINK! team – so they do not replace any existing resources. Thanks.

      Nick Rawlings, Stennik
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      Will there be replacements of the old hedgehog stickers as we always found these to be really popular and helped us to promote the Be Safe Be Seen message?

      Anna W, Preston
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      In response to Alan Hale’s comment, we intend to have resources available before the end of September. Thanks.

      Nick Rawlings, Stennik
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      A positive step forward in promoting child pedestrian safety at a time of year when it is needed. Well done, I look forward to using the press release and artwork.

      Brian Westlake-Toms, Corus Driving Safety Team
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      As a team that goes out to the primary schools at the clock change over time to do a short assmebly followed by a ‘high viz shop’ for parents and children any visual support will be good but it would be nice to think that all resources will be in place in good time for planning purposes ie end of September or first week in October.

      Alan Hale – South Gloucestershire Council Road Safety Team.
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      Joe – the sketch is really only to brief the photographer – to give him/her an idea of what we are trying to achieve. The reference to distance will not appear on the final artwork. Thanks.

      Nick Rawlings, Stennik
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      Excellent idea and good to see RSGB having an involvement in a national campaign but children and people in general would find the distance measurements meaningless if these were reproduced onto leaflets and posters. Examples of what these equate to ie length of football pitch, so many car lengths etc would be easier to identify with!

      Joe Morris/Sefton Road safety
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