Buckinghamshire Council has heaped praise on the ‘invaluable’ work of the county’s school crossing patrollers, as part of nationwide Platinum Jubilee celebrations.
The national school crossing patrol (SCP) service was officially created by the School Crossing Patrol Act in 1953.
Buckinghamshire currently has around 50 SCPs, commonly known as lollipop men and women due to the iconic circular signs on poles they carry when on duty.
Many of the current SCPs have been doing the job for years, enjoying the ‘special’ role they play in their local communities. Between them, they have totted up more than 500 years of service, helping multiple generations of families.
Several now help the children of the children they first helped cross the road on their way to school and some of the longest-serving are even guiding the grandchildren of those they first helped.
To celebrate the 70-year milestone and to say thank you to SCPs past and present, Buckinghamshire Council hosted a special event in High Wycombe on 29 June.
At the event, one patroller recalled guiding a horse and rider safely across the road amidst the schoolchildren. Another proudly relayed how they lost three stone in weight when first starting in post.
Christine Walker is the county’s longest service patroller, clocking up 45 years. She received a British Empire Medal (BEM) in 2021 for her long service to road safety and has attended two Royal Garden Parties.
Steven Broadbent, Buckinghamshire Council’s cabinet member for transport, said: “SCPs carry out such an important role, not simply in helping to guide children to and from school safely but also providing a friendly and welcoming face in their local community, year after year and promoting the benefits of active travel and road safety.
“I believe their personalities and characters leave a lasting impression on every schoolchild that goes way beyond helping them to cross the road safely twice a day. I still have very fond memories of Mrs Robinson, my school crossing patroller when I was young.
“Their work is invaluable, and they are all much loved by all the children and families they support. We are grateful to all our SCPs, past and present and thank them for the fantastic job they do in helping to keep children safe on their walk to school.”
Road Safety GB has commissioned a special commemorative badge, logo and certificate to mark 70 years of SCPs. The resources have been produced to help SCP services celebrate the 70th anniversary of the service.
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