Charity encourages creativity

12.00 | 5 November 2013 | | 1 comment

Brake, the road safety charity, is challenging young people to “get creative” by making powerful road safety ads and entering its 2young2die competition.

The competition is open to groups or individuals aged 11-25 years. To enter, people need to create an ad that encourages people to keep themselves and others safe on roads by, for example, not drinking and driving, speeding, using a mobile phone or accepting a lift from a dangerous driver.

The ad can be in the form of a short film, poster, billboard advert, social media campaign or web advert promoting a road safety message from Brake’s Pledge.

The winners will be invited to attend Brake’s annual reception at the Houses of Parliament and be presented with an award and a video camera for their school, college or club.

Julie Townsend, deputy chief executive, Brake, said: “It is a sad truth that young people are involved in a huge proportion of serious road crashes. As drivers they are more likely to take risks, and very often it is young people themselves who are the tragic victims too.

“But young people also have the energy and creativity to do something about this. We’re calling on secondary schools, colleges and youth clubs to sign up now to get involved and help stop the carnage on our roads.”

Click here for more information or to register for the competition – the deadline is 31 May 2014.

For more information contact Rich Andrew, Brake, on 01484 550054.


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      Is it possible for Brake or other organisations that undertake Pledges to provided any data on their effectiveness? There is some empirical evidence in the public domain about abstinence.

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