The Child Accident Prevention Trust has launched a two-year programme to promote effective partnership working on child accident prevention.
‘Making the Link’, which is supported by the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), comprises tools to support knowledge sharing and good practice, and a series of stakeholder events to encourage communication and collaboration between practitioners from different sectors.
The Child Accident Prevention Trust points to Public Service Agreement 13, which notes that ‘rates of accidental injury and death are too high, particularly amongst disadvantaged groups’.
It also highlights findings from ‘Accident Prevention Amongst Children and Young People – A Priority Review’, which show how partnership work is a major driver for success in reducing death and serious injury from preventable childhood accidents.
Making the Link has two main components:
• Tools to support knowledge sharing and good practice among key local stakeholders – a ‘knowledge hub’ website and monthly e-bulletin launching in autumn 2009, an ‘online learning community’ and a printed ‘toolkit’.
• A series of stakeholder events to encourage communication and collaboration between practitioners from different sectors and in different parts of the delivery chain – in 2010 there will be seminars and a conference.
Practitioners can sign up to receive information about the project by visiting:
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