Community views sought to improve road safety in West Mercia

10.41 | 11 May 2020 | | 1 comment

Communities in West Mercia are being asked for their opinions on how to improve road safety in the area.

On 7 May, John Campion – the region’s police and crime commissioner – launched a new strategy to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured on the road.

The draft strategy focuses on three areas: prevention, increased enforcement and offender rehabilitation. 

It is proposed that greater funding will be allocated for driver re-education and initiatives that reduce dangerous driving – while West Mercia Police will receive more resources in order to police the roads effectively.

There are also further plans to ensure victim support is strengthened for families affected by road deaths.

Mr Campion is now seeking views on his plan, and how it will be delivered, from members of the public.

Mr Campion said: “Too many people are having their lives blighted by this issue and it’s important that I listen to those that are using our roads to help shape my approach. 

“Whilst I have significantly invested in roads policing and visibility, as well as providing West Mercia residents with free road safety courses to increase awareness and change driver attitudes, there is always more that can be done.

“I remain committed to working with West Mercia Police, communities and partners to consistently reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries, to ultimately make a difference to the safety of our roads.”



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    Good for him. I trust he will also fund a thorough evaluation of the offender rehabilitation and victim support measures.

    Steve Stradling, Altrincham
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