Brake, the road safety charity, is urging businesses to get involved in Road Safety Week 2010 (22-28 November) to help save children’s lives.
Road Safety Week comprises awareness-raising events to stop deaths on roads through partnership work.
Brake has produced a campaign pack for companies focused around this year’s theme of ‘Kids Say Slow Down’. The pack contains a free Road Safety Week company campaign manual, which gives advice on dealing with the risks of speeding among at-work drivers, and ideas for promoting a slow down theme within the workplace and surrounding community. The pack also includes a poster featuring Tyrese, a seven-year-old boy killed by a speeding driver.
Mary Williams OBE, chief executive of Brake says: “Speed is the number one killer on our roads.
“Road Safety Week gives companies a fantastic opportunity to help raise awareness of this vital issue with staff, business contacts and the wider community.
“Sadly, about half of drivers still speed in towns and villages, and that includes at-work drivers. By getting involved in Road Safety Week you and the people you work with can help these drivers slow down and save lives.”
For more information contact Caroline Perry at Brake on 01484 559909 or go to: http://www.roadsafetyweek.org/
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