Council employees targeted in safety scheme

14.41 | 16 December 2010 |

Wiltshire Council has launched a safe-driving scheme that could target up to 5,000 of its employees who drive their own vehicles for work.

The six-month pilot will see 250 randomly selected employees enrolled onto RiskMaster, a web-enabled programme from Fleet Support Group.

The pilot will run through to the end of March 2011. If deemed successful it will result in all 4,500 to 5,000 full-time and part-time-staff, volunteers and agency workers who drive their own vehicles on council business enrolled onto RiskMaster.

Simon Dale, fleet project leader, said: “Council management was asking questions about the checks carried out on employees who drove their own cars on council business.

“It was clear that prior to the creation of Wiltshire Council some of the authorities undertook driving licence and other checks, but others did not. Even within the same authority the standard of checks varied.

“With such a varying degree of due diligence it was clear that Wiltshire Council required a common policy with a common set of rules to ensure best practice compliance.”

RiskMaster is an at-work driving safety initiative that manages vehicles, drivers and journeys to enable employers to reduce their risk exposure.

Click here to read the full Driving for Better Business news report.


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