DfT unveils plans to enable drivers to report collisions online

10.38 | 30 January 2018 | | 3 comments

Motorists could soon be able to report road collisions online under new plans to ease the burden on drivers and police, the DfT has announced.

At present, motorists are required to report a collision in person at a police station within 24 hours of it happening.

Jesse Norman, transport minister, will unveil the new system later today (30 Jan) in a speech at the National Roads Policing Conference.

Mr Norman will tell delegates: “The current system is out of date. It takes up considerable amounts of time and increases queues for reporting crimes.

“The ability to report accidents online will make the whole process quicker and easier for both drivers and the police.”

The proposals are the subject of a 12-week consultation, which if supported will allow police forces in England, Scotland and Wales to adopt online reporting – although people will still be able to register incidents at a police station.

According to the DfT, more than 130,000 personal-injury accidents are reported to police each year with most recorded by an officer at the scene.

Around 20% are reported at police stations while a further 55,000 damage-only crashes were also reported over the counter in 2015.

Chief constable Anthony Bangham, roads policing lead for the National Police Chiefs’ Council said: “We always welcome ideas which enable the public to be better served.

“On line collision reporting will greatly benefit members of the public and also enable officers to deal more quickly with their collision reports, meaning they can spend less time on paperwork and more time on police work.”

Mr Norman will also announce details of an updated system for officers to record collisions, which is being developed by the DfT.

The new Collision Reporting and Sharing System (CRASH) will see officers use an app on a handheld device to fill in details, and an accurate location, at the scene of a collision.

Designed to save police time, the new CRASH system will allow highways authorities to access accurate and up to date information – meaning councils can better plan safety improvements and in a shorter time.



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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      It’s crass of the DfT (if the report is accurate) to refer to collisions. While many road accidents do involve contact between vehicles, an important category do not. Are we to suppose that these should not be reported?

      As to the CRASS (a bit naughty, Dave), we now know that it’s designed only (?) to save police time. While that’s no bad thing, it’s a pity that there wasn’t more involvement of all users in the first place. We might than have been able to sort out STATS 19 BEFORE CRASS was designed.

      Having said that, though, version 7 ought slightly to benefit local authorities (for once), as it does seem to address a couple of the problems with STATS 19 data – those involving directions and points of impact (where collisions are involved during the accident). It might even address the postcode mistakes! It won’t, of course, address the contributory factors problem … we’ll soon know …

      It’s also good to read that the Chief Constable always welcomes ideas which enable the public to be better served. I look forward, therefore, to his vociferous support for Intelligent Speed Assistance and Graduated Driver Licensing.

      Andrew Fraser, Stirling
      Agree (0) | Disagree (0)

      If the motorist is only required to supply the ‘when’, ‘where’ and ‘who’ of the incidents – fine – but surely not the ‘how’, ‘why’ and ‘who’s fault’ elements?

      Hugh Jones
      Agree (2) | Disagree (0)

      Surely the new “Collision Reporting and Sharing System” is actually CRASS ?

      dave finney, Slough
      Agree (7) | Disagree (0)

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