Drivers and passengers on Scotland’s roads urged to buckle up on every journey

09.50 | 15 January 2025 | | 2 comments

Road Safety Scotland and Police Scotland have launched a campaign urging drivers and passengers to wear a seatbelt – highlighting the potentially devastating consequences of failing to belt up.

Figures show that 21% of those killed on Scotland’s roads over a five-year period were not wearing a seatbelt and research demonstrates that wearing a seatbelt reduces both fatal and non-fatal injuries in front and back-seat passengers.

Despite this, 11% of drivers admitted to not always wearing a seatbelt in the front or back of the car, while around one in five drivers (18%) said they don’t think it’s important to wear a seatbelt in the back.

Fiona Hyslop, Scotland’s minister for transport, said: “Fastening your seatbelt is one of the simplest actions you can take to protect yourself and others. In a collision, failing to wear a seatbelt can have devastating consequences – not only for the driver and passengers but for your loved ones.

“This campaign serves as an essential reminder to anyone travelling in a car: a seatbelt can mean the difference between life and death and it’s not just you who gets hurt. Make it a habit on every journey.”

The campaign stresses the importance of wearing a seatbelt at all times – regardless of time of day, length of journey, and whether you are driving on busy or quiet roads. It also reminds people that it is a legal requirement to wear a seatbelt while traveling in a taxi or private hire vehicle.

Chief supt Hilary Sloan, head of road policing at Police Scotland, said: “Wearing a seatbelt isn’t optional, it’s the law. Our officers will engage with and educate drivers and passengers on the importance of seatbelts, but we will also continue to take appropriate enforcement action, with those caught not wearing a seatbelt facing a fine up to £500.

“Drivers should also remember they are legally responsible for ensuring passengers under 14 are using their seatbelts, with fines issued for every child not properly restrained.

“The evidence is clear – seatbelts reduce injuries and save lives. Don’t take an unnecessary risk – wear a seatbelt every time you travel.”

The campaign runs across streaming services, cinema, radio, digital and outdoor channels.


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      Great campaign and materials. Important information conveyed very clearly and succinctly.

      Ann Marie Bailey, Cambridgeshire
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      On a couple of occasions recently, I have been a passenger on a bus and noticed that I was the only one who wore their seatbelt. Those who didn’t, would no doubt have worn theirs if they were in car, but somehow did not think it necessary whilst travelling on a bus and yet, in the event of a collision (even minor) or just heavy braking, an unbelted passenger would be thrown forward and head-butted the passenger in front and/or the stanchion at the back of the seats. I had to make a point of sitting in front of an unnoccupied seat to protect myself. I’m not sure if it’s mandatory on a bus, but the risk of injury is just the same.

      Hugh Jones, South Wirral
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